5 Things to Do After a Truck Accident

Your Truck Accident Checklist

Truck accidents are unfortunately common, with over 500,000 occurring in the United States each year. While no one plans on being involved in any kind of collision, these can come with more severe consequences than a normal car crash.

Semi-trucks can weigh up to 40 tons when fully loaded, which means the force of impact can cause vehicular damages and lifelong injuries. Here are five things to remember if you are ever involved in a truck accident.

1. Seek Medical Attention

Truck accidents can result in debilitating injuries that can take years of treatment and therapies to heal. Along with this, there are many invisible injuries that may go unnoticed for even longer. Because of this, it is crucial to seek medical treatment immediately following a collision with a large truck. This can also be a preventative measure and help you avoid smaller issues that may turn into greater injuries down the line.

You will also want to document these appointments and the bills that may be associated with them, as these may be used in the future if you plan on making a personal injury claim.

2. File a Police Report

Regardless if the police came to the scene, a police report should be filed if there was an injury, death, or property damage greater than $500. Ensuring that you do this following any kind of accident (but especially a truck accident) will only serve to help your case. This must be filed with the Kentucky State Police within 10 days of the accident and can be found here.

3. Talk to Your Insurance Company

While it may be more beneficial for you to hire an attorney prior to contacting any insurance company, you likely have a responsibility to alert your provider that you were involved in a collision. When it comes to truck accidents, there may be more information that needs to be provided in addition to your police report and accident information, as liability can be placed on both the truck driver and company.

However, it is important to know that you shouldn’t accept the first offer given to you by either insurance company, and consulting with an attorney can help you get the appropriate compensation for your injuries and damages.

4. File a Report with the Trucking Company

Filing a claim with the trucking company should also be on your list of things to do following these kinds of accidents. While each company has their own form that may contain different information needed for the Claims Adjuster, here are what they have in common:

  • Your name and contact information.
  • The truck or license plate number.
  • The trailer or license plate number.
  • Date, time, and location of the accident.

You may also be asked to provide images or videos of the damage, as well as a thorough description of what happened and the damages caused. Some companies may opt for the claim to be filed over the phone instead, so check their individual websites to learn more.

5. Hire an Attorney Specializing in Truck Accidents

Although the thought of taking legal action against a trucking company might seem off-putting, putting your health and safety at the forefront can help you recover damages for the accident caused by another. When deciding to pursue a truck accident claim, it’s crucial to work with an attorney who has a history of success in this field.

That’s why you should consider calling Katz Law. Our lead attorney, Brian Katz, has been in practice forover 25 years and has recovered over $30 million in damages for clients. Don’t settle for less than you deserve; call to schedule a consultation today.
